The Midas Touch (2020)
The Midas Touch – Felix, seorang pengiklan muda, kurang beruntung. Ditertawakan oleh bosnya dan menderita cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan, dia tahu bahwa sesuatu harus berubah, ketika kesempatan seumur hidup tiba-tiba muncul. Dia memperoleh “The Midas Touch” – kemampuan untuk menaklukkan setiap wanita hanya dengan satu sentuhan. Menikmati hidup sepenuhnya untuk waktu yang singkat, Felix dengan cepat menyadari bahwa kekuatan jahat mengejar “bakat” barunya dan “The Midas Touch” segera lepas kendali.
Sinopsis from IMDB
Felix, a young advertiser, is down on his luck. Ridiculed by his boss and suffering from unrequited love he knows that something has to change, when the chance of a lifetime appears completely out of the blue. He acquires “The Midas Touch” – the ability to conquer every woman with a mere touch. Enjoying life to the fullest for a brief period of time, Felix quickly notices that evil forces are after his new “talent” and “The Midas Touch” soon gets completely out of hand.
Views: 1084
Genre: Adult, Comedy, Film Semi, Horror
Director: Tilman Borck
Actors: Bernhard Bozian, Bianca Ierullo, Clayton Nemrow, Gino Wilson, Leonie Kossi, Natalie Holle, Nicolas Buitrago, Noémi Domokos, Tilman Borck, Ulas Kilic
Country: USA