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Some Like It Rare (2021)
Some Like It Rare – Toko daging kecil Sophie dan Vincent berada di ambang kebangkrutan dan pernikahan mereka berantakan. Hidup mereka terbalik ketika Vincent secara tidak sengaja membunuh seorang aktivis vegan yang merusak toko mereka. Kewalahan dan takut dituduh melakukan pembunuhan, satu-satunya solusi mereka adalah menyingkirkan tubuh dengan mengubahnya menjadi ham. Yang mengejutkan mereka, ham itu sangat populer sehingga dapat menyelamatkan bisnis mereka… yaitu jika mereka siap untuk terus “berburu”!
Sinopsis from IMDB
Sophie and Vincent’s small butcher shop is on the brink of bankruptcy and their marriage is falling apart. Their lives are turned upside down when Vincent accidentally kills a vegan activist who vandalized their shop. Overwhelmed and terrified of being accused of murder, their only solution is to get rid of the body by turning it into ham. To their surprise the ham is so popular that it may save their business… that is if they’re ready to keep “hunting”!
Views: 76
Director: Fabrice Eboué
Actors: Alexia Chardard, Fabrice Eboué, Franck Migeon, Jean-François Cayrey, Lisa Do Couto Texeira, Marina Foïs, Nicolas Lumbreras, Stéphane Soo Mongo, Victor Meutelet, Virginie Hocq
Country: France