Amityville Uprising (2022)
Amityville Uprising – Ledakan bahan kimia di pangkalan militer memicu bencana supernatural. Sebagai Sersan. Dash mencoba untuk menjaga perdamaian di kantor polisi setempat, ledakan itu melepaskan hujan asam beracun yang melarutkan daging siapa pun yang terperangkap di dalamnya. Lebih buruk lagi, hal itu menyebabkan orang mati bangkit kembali dan menyerang yang hidup. Bisakah Dash dan sesama petugas Nina Rossi mengetahui siapa yang menjadi kawan dan lawan, menangkis serangan, dan membela rekan-rekan mereka hingga bencana dahsyat mereda?
Sinopsis from IMDB
A chemical blast at a military base sets off a supernatural disaster. As Sgt. Dash tries to keep the peace at the local police station, the explosion unleashes a toxic acid rain that dissolves the flesh of anyone trapped in it. Even worse, it causes the dead to rise again and attack the living. Can Dash and fellow officer Nina Rossi figure out who is friend and foe, fend off the attacks, and defend their colleagues until the savage cataclysm subsides?
Views: 119
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller, Zombie
Director: Thomas J. Churchill
Actors: Aleksandra Zorich Hunt, Joycelyne Lew, Kelly Lynn Reiter, Michael Cervantes, Michael Gaglio, Mike Ferguson, Scott C. Roe, Tank Jones, Thomas J. Churchill, Troy Fromin
Country: United States