The Immaculate Room (2022)
The Immaculate Room – Mike dan Kate, pasangan muda, mendapatkan kesempatan sekali seumur hidup untuk memenangkan uang sebesar lima juta dolar. Tantangannya: Hidup selama 50 hari di ruang kosong. Menempelnya selama tiga puluh hari, dan lima juta adalah milik mereka. Seberapa sulitkah itu?
Sinopsis from IMDB
Mike and Kate, a young couple, get the once-in-a lifetime chance to win a cool five million dollars. The challenge: Live for 50 days in a blank space. Sticking it out for thirty days, and the five million are theirs. How difficult can it be?
Views: 82
Director: Mukunda Michael Dewil
Actors: Alex Sgambati, Ashley Greene, Emile Hirsch, Kate Bosworth, M. Emmet Walsh
Country: United States